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GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System

A face recognition system is a technology that identifies or verifies individuals by analyzing and comparing their facial features. It has various applications, including security, authentication, surveillance, and user convenience.

  • (i) GPS Technology: VTS relies on GPS satellites to accurately determine the location of a vehicle. The GPS data is then transmitted to a central server for processing. (ii) Communication Networks: The GPS data is transmitted from the vehicle to a central server using various communication technologies, such as cellular networks or satellite communication.

  • Software Platform: A central software platform processes the incoming data, providing real-time information on the vehicle's location, speed, direction, and other relevant details.

  • Mapping Interface: The system often includes a mapping interface that allows users to visualize the vehicle's location on a map. This can be useful for fleet managers, logistics companies, and individuals monitoring their vehicles.

Project Info

  • Customer: Admin
  • Category: GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System
  • Technology:
  • Date:
